THE Hemp Store of wyoming

Providing Education and Awareness in the Cannabis Industry since 2018

Casper • Gillette • Sheridan • Rawlins

Veteran & Woman Owned

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Platte Hemp Company

Curious about CBD? The team at Platte Hemp Company is here to help! Our expert associates can explain everything you need to know about CBD and guide you in choosing the right products for your needs. We’ll break down ingredients, uses, and benefits of all our offerings.

Visit one of our Wyoming locations today and discover high-quality hemp products that fit your lifestyle!

Purchase a high-quality
CBD in Wyoming

Military & Senior discounts!

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Reach out to our CBD experts in Wyoming

How Can CBD Help You?

Did you know your body has an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that helps regulate your sleep, appetite, pain and immune system? CBD is believed to impact the endocannabinoid receptors in your nervous system, reducing inflammation and relieving pain in the process.

Benefits of CBD may include relieving:

  • Mental ailments – anxiety | depression | Alzheimer’s
  • Chronic pain – arthritis | multiple sclerosis | Parkinson’s
  • Cancer-related symptoms – nausea | vomiting | pain

CBD has also been reported by users to help with acne, seizures, sleep disorders and high blood pressure.

What is CBD? It might be the solution to your pain. Stop by our shop, we are located in Wyoming, where you can receive dependable CBD recommendations.;

Help Your Sore Muscles Recover

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Pick up our PH brand roll on!

Count On Us To Provide Reliable Products In A Relaxing Environment

What do you need to know about us? For starters, we’re a cash-only business that operates in the entire state of Wyoming. You should also know that we:

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Only sell grade a, triple lab-tested products you won't find anywhere else
Go directly to registered farms to purchase organically grown products

We don’t claim to be the biggest, and you won’t find our products in the “Big-Box” stores… But, if you’re looking for real artisan-crafted, hemp-derived CBD products of the highest quality, made with the latest supercritical CO2 extraction methods, resulting in true full spectrum products that are rich in flavonoids, terpenes and phytonutrients, then you’ve come to the right place! When you step into our family owned and operated CBD store, you’ll feel welcomed. See for yourself by stopping by today.

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